VISAを受け取りたいだけなのに。|2023/1/17 日記

「VISAを受け取りたいだけなのに。|2023/1/17 日記」のアイキャッチ画像


I just wanted to receive a student pass only.

Today, I had to be on time for my student pass collection at the ICA(Immigration and Checkpoints Authority) building nearby little India. Although having an appointment, it took six hours just to receive that since obtaining a queue ticket number. I’m not the only one who realizes that as insane, you know? One of the mates coming with me said “It must be something like comedy. Lots of cameras is secreted somewhere definitely”. Finally, I couldn’t attend my class but we’ve received the pass each other. Don’t worry, my teachers have already been informed tomorrow.




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