男前なルームメイト|2023/1/18 日記

「男前なルームメイト|2023/1/18 日記」のアイキャッチ画像


Nice guy who stays with me

Andrei, the roommate is so cool. Let me explain! He goes to bed at 10 p.m. every night and get up at 6 a.m. every morning, without fail. It’s cool. And he always is shirtless in our room. It’s also cool, you know? Finally, he bought me today’s lunch instead of appreciating for becoming a good friend. Yeah, he is super cool definitely. I’m following his example, and I’m doing the same.

It’s about to go to bed. ‘Cause it’s 9:40 p.m. as I’m writing this diary. See you tomorrow.



