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続)専攻と現状を踏まえてよく聞かれる質問の回答|2023/2/1 日記


Part 2) What brings me to work in an IT company despite being an architecture student?

Yesterday, I explained the reason why I’m belong in an IT company although I majored in architecture (here).  And, I’ll write about the present time what I do.

Now, I’m staying Singapore to increase my English skills and belong in an IT company. In short, I have to do two tasks at the same time. A company which I belonged in before coming here didn’t permit me to have a long leave from the office for personal reasons. So I quit the company and have had a new job at an other company that I’m working now since November 1st. The new job is so attractive to me because I can engage with most things are related business and do tasks remotely. I usually work between my classes as like a part time job at accommodation.

No one knows what I do after this stay. If I can particularly improve my speaking skills, I might think that I want to have a new job abroad. Although I love my country, I think that it’s too good to waste living there until the end because today’s world has been more global than a few years ago in the area of IT technologies and some evolutions. Also, I’m learning English now. Of course, I know Japan is one of the best countries in the world for well being because of a huge scale of business and the safety. Furthermore there is my family and friends. That’s why I can’t decide…

Anyway, I have to learn more and more to be able to choose one of many selections in 6 months. Because the selections will not exist if I can’t increase my English skills, right?


昨日は建築を専攻していた僕がなぜIT企業に所属しているのかの理由を記しました(こちら)。  そして、今日は現在について書きます。

現在、僕は語学力向上のためシンガポールに滞在しており、かつ企業にも所属してます。つまり、2つのことを同時にこなさなければならないのです。こっちに来る前に所属していた会社は、個人的な事情による長期離職を認められなかったためそこは辞め、11月1日から別の会社に転籍しました。  新しい仕事は業務に関連するほとんどのことに携わることができ、かつリモートで仕事をすることができるのが魅力的です。授業の合間を縫って、滞在先でアルバイトをするような感覚で仕事をしています。






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