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これ良いね.と言われた誇れるアイテムたち|2023/2/4 日記



3 items everyone says ‘sounds good’

Sometimes, everyone is jealous of my items which I often use to work or live. Today, I’ll introduce each of them.

First item is a monitor that I use to work at the lobby or cafe. The monitor is as large as a 13 inch laptop and can works without some batteries. It need only Thunderbolt Cable. If you have a portable monitor, you can do lots of tasks at the same time efficiently. Furthermore, it doesn’t need a battery so you don’t have to bring some gadgets when you go out. Exactly, “less is more”.

Second, I explain a portable charger. It has two specifications with AC plug that can be used as a battery or as an AC charger. In short, you can use it not only when you recharge your phone or laptop in your home, but also when it runs out of battery outside. You don’t need to have both a portable charger and AC plug. Your luggage would never be full of some gadgets. Yes, “less is more”.

Finally, I recommend you bringing this conversion cable if you go abroad. Generally, conversion plugs have the shape of cube instead of cable. There is not difference of functions between each conversion plugs. But you give better favorable usability if it has shape of cable. Most accommodations provide an outlet in one location so sometimes the point messes with other cables. Then this type of conversion plug is efficient against the matter. In case of mine, it provides two USB-A ports.

I should make sure them on the shopping sites if you want to know in detail. I leave the URL of each of them below.




まずは、ロビーやカフェで仕事をするときに使っているモニターです。13インチのノートパソコンと同じ大きさで、バッテリーも不要。必要なのはThunderboltケーブルだけです。ポータブルモニターがあれば、たくさんの作業を同時に効率よく行うことができます。さらに、バッテリーを必要としないので、外出時にガジェットを持参する必要もありません。まさに “Less is More “ですね。

2つ目は、ポータブル充電器。ACプラグ付きで、バッテリーとしてもAC充電器としても使える2つの仕様があります。つまり、家の中でスマホやノートPCを充電するときだけでなく、外で電池が切れてしまったときにも使えるのです。ポータブル充電器とACプラグの両方を持つ必要はないのです。荷物がガジェットでいっぱいになることもないでしょう。そう、”Less is More “なのです。



【Amazon JP】

【Amazon SG】
Portable monitor

※other items aren’t sold on the Amazon SG …


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