Workout and Nickname
Every Wednesday and Saturday, I run and pump up at the gym in my accommodation. But, today, I went outside to run to Singapore Botanic Garden and it took 3 km there and back. Running outside is better than with a machine because you never feel tired with scenery and can compete with someone who also runs beside the road. Furthermore, in Singapore, the atmosphere is so clean, thanks to the presence of much greenery. When I went back to my room and took a shower, I was realized one thing when seeing the name which was written on the T shorts I wore; sometimes, my nickname, ‘Hide’ is not called correctly such as ‘Ide’ or ‘Syude’. According to each countries’ students, the pronunciation of ‘H’ feels hard. For instance, a student in France reads ‘harmful’ as ‘armful’. However, In the case of a student from some Asian countries, it doesn’t matter. So, I want a nickname which every student can read correctly and is easy to call out and remember. And, ‘Hide’ means to keep something secret and the pronunciation is hάɪd …
毎週水曜と土曜は宿泊先のジムでランニングとパンプアップをしています。でも、今日は外に出てSingapore Botanic Gardenまで往復3kmのランニングをしました。外を走るのは、マシンで走るよりも景色が気にならないし、同じように横の道を走っている人と競い合えるので良いですね。しかも、シンガポールは緑が多いので、雰囲気がとてもきれいです。