アポ|2023/2/18 日記

「アポ|2023/2/18 日記」のアイキャッチ画像



Even though today is ordinally my day off, I did some tasks after got up because of no enough time to do those on this week. Finally, it has been done at 13 p.m. After that, I invited my roommate to have a lunch at Lau Pa Sat and we had a Indian curry there. Then, he was so surprised by the hot taste because he doesn’t often have some spicy food. Sometimes, he had a whole chili pepper by mistake and he managed to hold back hid tears.

Then I met my sister at Bugis. She lived in Fontainebleau until a few months ago, but she moved here to start a new life. When the time was 7 p.m. in Japan, we called my parents to talk about the things that happened recently; a new life, living area, new term and so on. Since we hadn’t seen each other for a long time, it was so good for our family. However, I could never imagine when we would call them from a foreign country like that. I had a little memory experience today.


今日は本来なら休日でしたが今週は時間がなかったので、起きてからいくつかのタスクをこなしました。その後、ルームメイトを誘ってLau Pa Satでインドカレーを食べました。普段から辛いものを食べることがあまりない彼は、その辛さに驚いていた。たまに間違えて唐辛子を丸ごと1本食べてしまい、涙をこらえてました。



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