How much does it take to play golf in Singapore?
Last Sunday, for the first time in 1.2 years, I played golf at the Marina Bay Driving Range. I have never played outside, I would play inside like golf bar 2 times in my life, by the way. But, I have played it many times in my mind and in the video games, so I have already prepared playing and pretended to be Tiger Woods. Check out the video below! Doesn’t he look like a beginner, right? (Just kidding…)
Although the Japanese driving range charges more than $1 per ball, Singapore’ charges only 8 cents per ball. Come on… Why does this country make things in few demands reasonable? Please, make other things such as living costs reasonable… I found a reasonable habit, so I will make a rule playing golf twice in a month. One of friends plays golf with me is good at that and teach me, but he is going to leave Singapore in a few days. So I have to make a new coach and friends going with me. It must be too much time… I also came to watch a video for great shots. At same time, I can train listening in English. That’s effective method to improve my English, you know?
By the way, today I uploaded a short video to make room in my cloud storage; I often collect some short clips and make a short video. If you have a little time, check it out.
(*After review)
Last Sunday, for the first time in 1 to 2 years, I played golf at the Marina Bay Driving Range. I have never played outside, I would play inside a driving range two times in my life, by the way. But, I have played it many times in my mind and in the video games, so I have already prepared playing and pretended to be Tiger Woods. Check out the video below! Doesn’t he look like a beginner? (Just kidding…)
Although the Japanese driving range fee is more than $1 per ball, Singapore’ fee is only 8 cents per ball. Come on… Why does this country make things in little demand reasonable? Please, make other things such as living costs reasonable… I found a reasonable habit, so I will make a rule playing golf twice a month. One of my friends who is good at playing golf is teaching and playing with me, but he is going to leave Singapore in a few days. So I have to find a new coach and friends to go with me. There is not too much time… I also came to watch a video for great shots. At same time, I can train my listening in English. That’s an effective method to improve my English, you know?
By the way, today I uploaded a short video to make room in my cloud storage; I often collect some short clips and make a short video. If you have a little time, check it out.
先週の日曜日、1.2年ぶりにMarina Bayの打ちっぱなしでゴルフしました。外でプレーしたことはなく、人生で2回ほど室内でゴルフバーのようなところでプレーしていたことがありました。でも、頭の中やゲームでは何度もプレーしているので、準備万端、タイガー・ウッズになりきってプレーしました。下の動画を見てください。初心者に見えないですよね。(というのは冗談ですが…。)
日本の打ちっぱなしは1球1ドル以上しますが、シンガポールは1球8セントです。おいおい!この国はなぜ、要求が少ないものをリーズナブルにするのでしょうか?お願いだから、生活費など他のものもリーズナブルにしてくれ…。ということで、月に2回はゴルフをすることにしました。一緒にゴルフをする友人が、ゴルフが上手で教えてくれるのですが、彼は数日後にシンガポールを離れる予定です。だから、新しいコーチと仲間を作らないといけないんです。それは困難で時間がかかりそう… また素晴らしいショットのためのビデオを見るようにしました。同時に、英語のリスニングのトレーニングにもなります。効果的な方法ですね。