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よくTwitterのトレンドが「日本」になる|2023/2/26 日記



Usually, trending word on Twitter in Singapore is Japan

I usually look at Twitter after I finish to upload a journal. Then, “Japan” is chosen as a trending word on that in Singapore frequently. How come?

As a premise, Twitter provides us with suitable trending information which depends on access areas. Check out your own Twitter’s trending. If you are accessing from Japan, you can look a lot of trending words in Japan. (There might be much bad things…) If you use VPN to look at some social medias and websites, that should be provided you with information in each country where VPN is established, by the way. In my case, the information in Singapore is delivered and Japan frequently is chosen as the trending word here. The keywords often are about earthquakes, Japanese culture and strange things for other countries people, as below. Although that might be interesting for them, it’s common for me and I never feel interested. probably, and vice versa.

But, standing in other position, that bring me a new surprising. For instance, My friend taught me that Almost people in Korea often used chopsticks to eat a hot dog. Then, I said her “Seriously???” and thought it’s so crazy, your know? Such as this, knowing other countries’ culture is so interesting like some people in Singapore rise “Japan” to Twitter’s trending.

(After review)

I usually look at Twitter after I finish uploading a journal. Then, “Japan” is chosen as a trending word on Twitter in Singapore frequently. How come?

As a premise, Twitter provides us with suitable trending information which depends on access areas. Check out your own Twitter’s trends. If you are accessing from Japan, you can see a lot of trending words from Japan. (There might be many bad things…) If you use VPN to look at some social media and websites, that should provide you with information in each country where VPN is established, by the way. In my case, the information in Singapore is delivered and Japan frequently is chosen as the trending word here. The keywords often are about earthquakes, Japanese culture and strange things for other countries people, as below. Although that might be interesting for them, it’s common for me and I never feel interested. probably, and vice versa.

But, standing in the other position, that brings me a new surprise. For instance, My friend taught me that Almost all people in Korea often use chopsticks to eat a hot dog. Then, I said to her “Seriously???” and thought it’s so crazy, your know? Knowing other countries’ culture such as this is so interesting, like some people in Singapore causing the rise of Japanese trends on local Twitter.





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