Boneyard for my App
Although 2023’s just started, I’ve already gave up one thing; to create my own web application. The app’ name is “for John”. Let me explain.
December 2022, I made a decision to create new information platform like Twitter and Facebook. There are two reasons to do that. At first, I have wanted to build something creatively for the first time in 2 to 3 years with new develop tools such as ‘.bubble‘ or ‘Adalo‘. And, I’ve waned to dared shaping my thought that was still for long time. So, I tried that. After finishing to make all of design about the web application, I have actually built databases, sign up/in forms and flows with ‘.bubble’. Even though the process of building was getting better, it needed to give up building that. Because, if the application was uploaded on the Internet, it couldn’t pay off the costs such as server/domain remaining cost, Appstore/Google Play fee and so on… In short, it lacked to make an estimate about working costs. It took so much to cover it with this website'(less-is-idea.com) income. Finally, I’ve made a decision to quit it. I’m willing to hide about the concept of “for John”. If the problem is getting better, I probably try to do it again.
(After review)
Although 2023 has just started, I’ve already given up one thing creating my own web application. The app’ name is “For John”. Let me explain.
December 2022, I made a decision to create new information platform like Twitter and Facebook. There are two reasons for doing it. At first, I have wanted to build something creatively for the first time in 2 to 3 years with new development tools such as ‘.bubble‘ or ‘Adalo‘. The second one is that I’ve waned to dare to shape my thought that was still for long time. So, I tried that. After finishing making all of design about the web application, I have actually built databases, sign up/in forms and flows with ‘.bubble’. Even though the process of building was getting better, it needed to give up building that. Because, if the application was uploaded on the Internet, it couldn’t pay off the costs such as server/domain remaining cost, Appstore/Google Play fee and so on. In short, didn’t consider making an estimate about working costs. It took so much to cover it with this website'(less-is-idea.com) income. Finally, I’ve made a decision to quit it. I’m willing to hide about the concept of “for John”. If the problem gets better, I will probably try to do it again.

南無阿弥陀仏 自作アプリ
2023年は始まったばかりですが、僕はすでに1つ、自分のウェブアプリケーションを作ることを諦めています。そのアプリの名前は「for John」。
2022年12月、僕はTwitterやFacebookのような新しい情報プラットフォームを作る決意をしました。理由は2つあります。まず、2〜3年ぶりに「.bubble」や「Adalo」といった新しい開発ツールを使って、クリエイティブに何かを作りたいと思ったこと。そして、長い間封印していた自分の考えをあえて形にしてみたいという思いです。ということでやってみました。Webアプリケーションの設計を一通り終え、実際に「.bubble」でデータベース、サインアップ/フォーム、フローを構築してみました。プロセスは順調に進んでいたのですが、その構築はあきらめなければなりませんでした。なぜなら、そのアプリケーションをインターネットにアップロードすると、サーバーやドメインの維持費、AppstoreやGoogle Playの利用料などのコストがペイできないからです。要するに、作業コストの見積もりができていなかったのだ。このサイト(less-is-idea.com)の収入で賄うのが精一杯だったのです。そして、ついに、このサイトをやめる決心をしました。
「for John」のコンセプトについては隠しておきます。もし、問題が改善されるようであれば、またやってみようかな。