Valuable experience
Durling a few days, I had great time, chilling at good bar with guys, visiting Ice Cream Museum and having special French dinner. I never had such a time since I came to Singapore. I realized that I’m one of the member in great classmates again. So It was long time to keep any diary for a few days.
Today, in the morning, I was calling my friend and seeing some webinars on my laptop. And, I was going to visit Future World at ArtScience Museum afternoon. I made a reservation for the plan on the website, but I didn’t receive an email with the ticket code until before the reservation time. I thought that I had a mistake to type my email address probably. When I had lots of plans, I often have some mistakes like that. In case of such a situation, I usually tell myself one thing; “it’s a signal that I’m tired, so let’s focus”. Then, I tried to book again without mistakes. However, an email hadn’t been sent to me so I dared to asked the staff at ticketing counter when I arrived there.
At ticket counter, I asked one woman to issue a physical ticket with my code and requested to refund other bill. According to her, both of bookings had definitely done.
“I was able to make sure that you’ve have two bookings, and I don’t need two of tickets, right?”
“Yes, could you process the refund? I’m having the card which I actually used to book at that time.”
“Unfortunately, it is impossible to return the bill here. Please, claim this email to refund.”
“I got it. I’ll try that.”
“Sorry, sir”
“Don’t mention it. Thank you for everything.”
Finally, I got a ticket and a name card that contact is written to request. And, I just sent the email to refund the bill with method which I learned in one business lesson. I had a good experience.
今日は朝から友人に電話したり、いくつかウェビナーを見たりしていました。そして、午後はArtScience MuseumのFuture Worldに行く予定でした。ホームページでチケット予約をしたのですが、予約時間の前までチケットコードが書かれたメールが届きませんでした。おそらくメールアドレスの打ち間違えだなと思いました。予定がたくさんあるときは、僕はそういうミスをよくします。そんなときは「疲れている証拠だ、集中しよう」と自分によく言い聞かせます。そしてミスなく再度予約に挑みました。でもやっぱり、メールが届かないのでチケットカウンターへ行き、スタッフに聞いてみることにしました。
“残念ながら、こちらで請求書を返すことは不可能です。 このメールに請求して返金を促してください。”