From April 7 to 9, I visited Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia with my classmate. It was impressive travel for me.
Even though I knew KUL is one of the big cities in Asia, it’s becoming more urbanized than I thought. if I compare there to other countries including Tokyo where I lived in, it seems to be impossible to explain. Probably, the number of building in five square kilometer is less than other developed country’s cities such as London, NYC, Tokyo. However, it could overcome the number in couple years because when I was riding on Grab; taxi, I saw a lot of construction sites for high buildings or shopping malls. And, I actually found that there is energy of this city which countries with growing populations have. You can a lot of kids if you go anywhere in this city. Furthermore, one of the shopping malls estimated an amusement park inside for children and their parents. I fell like that the rising birth rate make this country more powerful than before.
However, I think this city has a big problem with transportation, too many cars or trucks on the road. Certainly, there are enough subway lines and monorails in the city, but people live in there mainly use a car or Grab. Based on these things, almost all roads in the city were crowded. Actually, It took 45 minutes to go one way where Google said it would take 20 minutes by taxi. And, most roads are one way like Singapore, it’s not easy to change a route to get a direction.
Anyway, I like the city except for the problem. About payment, most traveler don’t concern about it. Many shops adapt to cashless payment. But we used some cash as a memory because we converted Singapore Dollars to Malaysian currency. In almost all cases, we didn’t have to use cash. Furthermore, the cost of living is not more expensive than that of Tokyo. You can live in “Tawaman” if you pay only 60,000yen per month. There is an individual pool and gym. You don’t need to stand up to horrible living in Tokyo. However, You can say like that just while now. When construction sites change high buildings or shopping malls, it could be hard to live in the city because of increasing cost and population. And you could be getting hard to say “KUL is one of the reasonable cities in Asia”.
