Recently, I have kept trying to watch a movie every single day because my studying for an exam finished. Watching movie is just one of the my habits, I can’t say I’m familiar with films. And I have never watched “Road of the Ring”, “Jumanji”, “The Shawshank Redemption” and “Leon”. In short, I’m not familiar with famous movies. The genre of movie which I often watch is mostly non-fiction which is related to big issues or culture or famous people. I actually shared a article about “Winny” with you before and watched “House of Gucci”, which is about history and big milestone of luxury brand, yesterday.
When I’m watching a movie, I can learn a lot of basic things. For example, if someone says, “I like you,” you want to say something back. Then people who specifically live in Japan tend to reply to the man/woman, “Me too”. If you like by yourself as same as the man/woman, you can say like that. But, Actually, if you want to tell to like the man/woman, you have to say like “You too”. I often say, “I also xxxx” or “I xxxx as well” in the case like this because I certainly want to tell someone what I would say, by the way. Moreover, you can know that there are not too many kinds of vocabulary to be used in most movies. In most cases, people who are in the movie usually use the vocabulary which is well known by everyone. That’s true because I can say like that even though I’m always confused of vocabulary in the lesson. Anyway, movies always give you many important things which is not only about fact and knowledge, but also conversation and talking tips.
At last, I finish todays diary with putting some movies which I recommend you.
映画を見ていると、基本的なことをたくさん学ぶことができます。例えば、「好きです」と言われたら、何か言葉を返したくなりますよね。そうすると、特に日本に住んでいる人は、その男性/女性に「Me too」と答えることが多い。もし、あなたがその男性や女性と同じように自分も好きなら、そのように言うことができます。しかし、実は、その男性/女性のことを好きだと言いたいのであれば、「You too」のように言わなければならないのです。ちなみに私は、確かに自分の言いたいことを相手に伝えたいので、こういう場合は「I also xxxx」「I xxxx as well」と言うことが多いです。さらに、たいていの映画では、使うボキャブラリーの種類はあまり多くないということもわかります。たいていの場合、映画の中に出てくる人たちは、誰もが知っている語彙を使います。私もレッスンでいつも困惑するそんな僕が言えるのです。いずれにせよ、映画というのは、事実や知識だけでなく、会話や話し方のコツなど、大切なことをたくさん教えてくれますね。